Explain Factoring and Types of Factoring and Parties involved

          In today’s article let me try to make you understand what is factoring? Explain Different types of factoring?

Introduction to Factoring

          The word “Factor” is derived from Latin word “Facere” which means to make or to do or get things done. Factoring first came into existence in the year 1920.In initial period factoring is neither regarded as organized sector nor Association of British Factors. Today the factoring business is spread out in 60 countries covering more than 100,000 businesses with a factoring volume of USD 700 billion in a year. 90% of the factoring turnover comes from USA and European countries. In 1988 RBI appointed a committee called C.S. Kalyanasundaram Committee which suggested to start factoring by bank through its subsidiary.

Definition of Factoring

          According to Peter M Biscose factoring can be defined as A continuous relationship between financial institution (a factor) and a business concern selling goods and/or services (the client) to a trade customer on an open account basis whereby the factor purchases the clients book debts (account receivables) with or without recourse to the client – there by controlling the credit extended to the customer and also understanding the sales ledgers relevant to the transaction.

Meaning of Factoring

          Factoring is an agreement between seller and a financial institution where by financial institution purchases the receivables of the customer and also controls and administers the receivables. In Simple words Factoring agency takes the risk of collecting the receivables from the respective parties and bears the risk of non-payment of debt and losses. The specialized activity of factoring firm is to convert the receivables into Cash.
          Factoring is a financial service covering die financing and collection of receivables both in domestic and international market.
Describing about the parties involved in factoring and factoring cycle

Parties Involves in Factoring

There are three parties involved in factoring. They are
§  Seller(Client)
§  Customer and
§  Factor


          Client is the person or firm who wants to sell goods or services to customers.


          Customer is the person or firm who wants to buy the goods and services of client but doesn’t have sufficient funds to buy them so purchases them on credit.


          Factor is a financial institution which enters into agreement with client to provide factoring services. The factor receives the payment from the customer on due date and deducts the agreed amount and makes the payment to client.

Types of Factoring

                          Various types of factoring services are as follows,

§  Recourse and Non-Recourse Factoring

In recourse factoring the receivables purchased if turns out to be bad, then the risk is completely beared by the client and the factoring agency doesn’t assumes the credit risk associated with it.
While in non-recourse factoring the factor bears the complete risk or loss occurred on the non-payment of the customer and the factor cannot claim the amount from selling firm or organization.

§  Advance and Maturity Factoring

In advance factoring the factoring agency pays a fixed percentage amount of the receivables (usually up to 75%-90%) and up to guaranteed payment of the amount from customer the rest of the balance amount will paid to the client.
In maturity factoring no advance is paid to client only on the collection of receivables an agreed amount is paid to the client. Maturity factoring consists of sale of account receivables to factor which doesn’t make any advances at the time of sale.

§  Conventional or Full Factoring

This factoring is also known as Old Line Factoring. In this factoring the factoring agency performs almost all the services of the factoring such as collection of receivables, maintenance of sales ledger, credit control and credit insurance. The factoring agency sets a limit based on bills outstanding maturity wise and takes up the corresponding risk of default or credit risk and the factor will claim the debtor as also the client credit.

§  Domestic and Export Factoring

In domestic factoring three parties involved resides in the same country. The parties are client, factor and customer.
                    In Export Factoring the parties involved are Exporter (client), importer or                  customer and export factor and import factor. This kind of factoring is called        Two-factor system of factoring. In two-factor system results in contract between
·        Exporter(client) and export factor
·        Export factor and Import factor

§  Limited Factoring

In Limited factoring the factoring agency discounts only specific invoices on selective basis and converts credit bills into cash with respect to selected bills only.

§  Selected Seller based Factoring

Under selected seller based factoring the seller sells all the account receivables to the factor along with the delivery challans, contracts etc after invoicing to the customers. The factoring agency performs all the accounts, collection of debts, sending reminders and does all the consequential and incidental functions of the seller. The seller is normally approved by the factor before entering into the factoring agreement.

§  Selected Buyer based Factoring

Under selected buyer based factoring the factoring agency first selects buyers based on creditworthiness and goodwill and prepares an approved list of them. The buyers of the company approach the factoring agency for discounting their purchases receivables drawn in favor of company by seller. Then the factor discounts the bill without recourse and makes the payment to the seller.

§  Disclosed and Undisclosed Factoring

In disclosed factoring the name of the factoring agency is mentioned in the invoice by the supplier asking the buyer to make payment to factor on the due date. However supplier can bear the risk of bad debts without passing to factor.
In the undisclosed factoring the name of the factor is not mentioned yet the control lies with the factor.
