Explain the Role of Financial Manager

Financial Manager

          Financial Managers are the one who looks after the financial health of the business or firm. They prepare financial reports, statements and also develop strategies for meeting future financial goals of the organization. Financial Manager plays a vital role in management of finance activities of the business.
Describing the role of a financial manager

Role of Financial Manager

          Today the nature and scope of financial management is continuously evolving and thus the role of financial manager is also continuously evolving. Earlier the role of financial manager was limited to few things. The role of Financial Manager around the world has been changing as per the economic changes that took place but majorly after globalization, liberalization and privatization. Even the industrial revolution has also had great impact on the role of the Financial Manager has taken place the role of the financial managers has evolved and kept on changing. Today the roles of financial manager are

§ Estimation of Capital for Business

`        A financial manager has to properly estimate the capital required for the organization for its smooth functioning and subsequently arrange the capital. If by any chance estimation is under/over it will have its own consequences such as increase in cost of capital, decrease in profits, management problems may come into picture, conflicts will raise between investors, shareholders and management for raising excess of capital and much more. Thus a financial manager has to properly estimate the capital required by business.

§  Determination of Capital Structure

A financial manager has to determine the capital structure of the firm or organization to keep checks the cost of capital at optimal level. By properly determining the capital structure financial manager can also maximize the returns to the shareholders and investors and also will be able to reduce costs and maintain the financial stability of the firm or organization. Thus it is the responsibility of the financial manager to have a well balanced and optimal capital structure of a firm.

§  Sources of Raising funds

A financial manager has to keep on exploring various sources for raising the funds so that the cost of capital is reduced and profits are maximized at the same the time financial requirements of the firm are meet timely at optimal level. Raising funds may be required for expansion, investments, purchasing of plant and machinery, adoption of new technologies and  more. Thus in order to meet the financial requirements of the firm a financial manager has to raise funds from various sources at optimal costs.

§  Utilization of funds

A financial manager’s work is not done after raising the required funds but he has to utilize and allocate them properly. In order to utilize them properly a financial manager has to be aware of the financial needs and requirements of various departments so that he can allocate them and the funds are utilized in best possible manner so that the financial goals of the business are met. Thus a financial manager has to optimal utilize the funds raised by him for meeting financial goals of firm.

§  Control of Financial Activities

Being a financial manager he has to have the control of all the financial activities of the firm or organization. In order to control financial activities he has to take various steps so that he maintain the financial stability, financial position of the firm. Thus in order to measure the financial performance of the firm a firm he may evaluate ROI, budgetary controls, cost control and various other analysis. So that he can have a check and control of  financial activities of the firm. Thus a financial manager has have control over all the financial activities in order to have achieve financial goals.

§  Understanding of Capital Market

A financial manager should have excellent understanding of the Capital Market. Capital Market knowledge is required by the financial manager to know how shares and debentures are performing in capital market and how the decisions taken by management, shareholders and himself is having a effect on Capital Market and how is the company performing in Capital Market. Thus a Financial Manager needs to have a sound understanding of Capital Market.

§  Management of Cash

A Financial Manager needs to know to management cash properly. If Financial Manager fails to manage the cash properly then problems with respect working capital with arise and will lead to other serious problem which ultimately results in loss of financial stability and profits will come down. Thus in order to have a sound financial stability and make sufficient profits for a firm.

§  Distribution of Profits and Surplus

Financial Manager responsible is just to make profits but he has to distribute them to investors, shareholders and management in such a manner that all of them are satisfied and conflicts does not arises. Thus a financial manager has to create sufficient profits and then also distribute them to shareholders, investors and other people.

Role of Financial Manager in India

                   The Role of Financial Manager has India has been changed after the introduction of LPG Policy, 1991. Till then the role of Financial Manager was limited to few things but after that financial manager role was widen and after that financial manager responsibilities increased and kept on evolving and is still evolving. Today the roles of the Financial Manager in India are as follows
§  Investment Planning and Decisions  
§  Financial Structure
§  Corporate Restructuring
§  Working capital Management
§  Performance Management
§  Risk Management
