Due Diligence Meaning | Process of Due Diligence

Due Diligence

          Due Diligence is a systematic process of investigating the acquired information in order to determine whether to carry out the deal or not. The process includes processing quantitative data and qualitative data. Quantitative data refers to sales, cash flows and other financial data while qualitative data refers to quality management, internal control system and so on.
In simple words due diligence is the process where detailed evaluation takes place. It is the next phase of initial screening.

Process of Due Diligence

                   The process of due diligence involves six stages which are as follows,
§  Understanding the Transaction.
§  Risk Assessment and Scope.
§  Data Review and Request.
§  Areas of Review.
§  Discussion of Work Progress.
§  Presentation of Results.
Now let us try to understand each point separately

§  Understanding the transaction:

This is the first phase of due diligence. In this phase a brief information is collected and understood from advisers and clients. A skilled team is selected in order to understand the deal in a detailed manner. This phase also includes understanding the key strategic drivers for acquisition. In this phase the firm or business tries to understand the requirements they need to fulfill.

§  Risk Assessment and scope

This is the second phase of Due Diligence. The next phase is to determining the key areas of risk by collaborating with stakeholders and also determine what is the scope of the due diligence procedures. This helps to determine the risk associated with the deal and also the scope of the due diligence.

§  Data Review and Request

This is the third phase of Due Diligence. In this phase the selected skilled team reviews the information available for due diligence and asks for more information if the circumstances demands in order to move ahead.

§  Areas of Review:

This is the fourth phase of Due Diligence. In this phase reviewing the detailed such as business overview, accounting & information system, revenue expenses and assets and liabilities is being carried out.

§  Discussion of Work Progress

This is the fifth phase of Due Diligence. In this phase meetings are held continuously so that the issues’ arising from the areas of investigation is being discussed. If any legal issues comes into picture then consulting the legal adviser in order to resolve the issues.

§  Presentation of Results

This is the last phase of due diligence. This is the stage where a summarized report is prepared highlighting key issues, key trends and final interpretations of the analysis being carried out. In the report recommendations are given in order to resolve the issues also. A report is attached which supports the debt financing requirements.


                   From the above we can conclude that due diligence is a systematic detailed evaluation process to assess whether to make an acquisition or not. Due Diligence is carried out in six phases. Due Diligence is carried out so that the acquisition made is successful and all the key drivers and strategic objectives and goals can be meet and also no problem arises in the deals after the deal is committed neither legal nor internal problems in acquisition company.  
