Contract Costing | Work In Progress | Treat of Profit in Contract Costing

          Today in this article we will be discussing and understanding the topic Contract costing, parties in contract, work in progress and treatment of profit or loss in contract accounting. Let’s begin.

Contract Costing

          Contract costing refers to method of tracking of the cost where the work is undertaken to consumer’s special requirements. Generally the contracts size is large in size and requires usually at least one year or more to get complete the contracts. In a contract there must be at least two parties Contractor and Contractee and Contract price must be involved to form a contract.
          Contractor refers to the person who undertakes the contract while Contractee refers to the person who gives the contract and Contract Price refers to the price agreed between contractor and Contractee for the contract.

Work In Progress(WIP)

          Work in Progress refers to the work yet waiting to get complete in the future. Work in Progress is equal to work satisfied and work unsatisfied at the end of the contract account. In Contract accounting the Contractee makes the payment to the contract based on the work completed. Thus work in Progress is the state which refers to the process of completion of the project. The value of the WIP at the end of the financial year is entered on the asset side of the balance sheet.

Treatment of Profit

In Contract Costing treatment of profit under
§  In case of Complete Work
§  In Case of incomplete work
·        Work Satisfied is less than 25%
·        Work satisfied is 25% or more but less than 50%.
·        When the work certified is 50% or more than the contract price
Now let us understand each of the case in treatment of profit

§  In case of Complete Work :

The profit or loss arising out of the project/contract should be transferred to profit and loss account.

§  In case of Incomplete Work:

·        Work Satisfied is less than 25%: In this case the profit arised should be transferred to reserve profit while if loss takes place then loss should be transferred to Profit and Loss Account
·        Work Satisfied is equal to 25% or more but less than 50%: In this case the part of profit is to be transferred to the profit and loss account by calculating using the formula Cash received divided by work certified multiplied by 1/3 and remaining profit to be transferred to WIP. Also is loss comes into picture it is also to be transferred to P&L Account.
·        When the work certified is 50% or more: In this case the part of the profit is to be transferred to P&L account by calculating the profit using the formula Cash Received divided by Work Certified multiplied by 2/3 and remaining profit is to be transferred to WIP. Also is loss comes into picture it is also to be transferred to P&L Account.
