Budget | Budgeting | Advantages & Disadvantages | Key Factors

          In our earlier article we understood the Budget and Types of Budgets. Today in this article let us understand or  discuss about Budget, Budgeting, Budgetary Control, advantages of budget, disadvantages of budget and key factors of budgets.

Budget Meaning

          A budget is a blueprint of projected plan of action expressed in physical units for a specific period of time. Budget is a plan as well as control tool.


          Budgeting refers to the formulation of plans for future activity which lay down carefully determine programs and objectives and provide yardstick and also deviation from plan and achievement can be measured.

Budgetary Control

A principle procedure practices to achieve a set of objectives through budget and budget reports. It involves the following steps,
§  Budget Establishment
§  Management of Actual Program.
§  Comparison of actual program with budgeted program.
§  Analyzing the cause of variation and reporting to management for corrective measures.
§  Revision of budgets when circumstances changes if required.

Advantages of Budgeting

          The advantages of  budgeting are
§  Reduction of Cost.
§  Elimination of unwanted cost.
§  The budget helps to be efficient and effective in business operations.
§  It helps the management to decentralize the responsibilities.
§  Helps to maximize the profit and effective utilization of resources available.

Disadvantages of Budgeting

          The disadvantages of budgeting are,
§  Budget deals with future and we all know that future is uncertain. Thus the success of budget completely depends on accuracy of the calculations and predictions made.
§  It is a time consuming process.
§  The success of budget also depends upon the implementation of budget by an efficient person.
§  It is an essential tool for decision making but can’t replace management.
§  Preparation of budget requires specialized staff and involves high cost.

Key Factors of Budgets

          Key factor refers to the factor which may limit the activities of a business concern. Key factor is also called limiting factor. The following  are the key factors of budget
§  Non-availability of material
§  Non-availability of key personnel.
§  Non-availability of finances.
§  Inadequate space.
§  Low Market dependence.
Now let us try to understand the key factors of budgeting in detail.

§  Non-availability of Material:

The limited or non-availability of certain key resources in business will create a limitation to the budget as prices of such resources is completely controlled by demand and supply.

§  Non-availability of Key Personnel:

The non-availability of certain key personnel or skilled person will naturally create limitation to the business as certain specific tasks has to performed by key personnel. Even the preparation of budget requires the specialized personnel and can’t prepared by everyone.

§  Non-availability of Finances.

The funds or finances in business sometimes are not available. Thus the operation of business get effected and thus some limitations naturally.

§  Inadequate Space:

Whenever businesses take up new projects and increase the production sometimes the space available for the operations will be inadequate or insufficient to carry out the operations and will create troubles and limitations to the project.
